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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Contoh Berbagai Macam Tenses

Contoh Simple Present Tense Verbal

1.      Mrs. Yosy sometimes teaches math in the afternoon.
2.      My father always goes to office in the morning.
3.      Albert doesn't speak Indonesian.
4.      I study every night.
5.      The meeting begins at 10 o'clock.

            6.    She always brings dictionary every day.
7.      They never burn paper.
8.      On the weekends, he comes to my house.
9.      I usually cut some vegetables on Sunday.
10.  She often draws beach view.
11.  Mr. Billy drives a car every day.
12.  In the morning, My Grandfather always drinks a cup of coffe in the morning.
13.  They find a treasure.
14.  She gets up at 5 o'clock.
15.  I learn english every night.
16.  He leaves campus in the afternoon.
17.  Mrs. Anna sometimes reads a novel on the weekends.
18.  My sisters eat many fruits everyday.
19.  She often plays a game.
20.  I write a letter for my friend.
21.  My mother makes a cup of coffe for my father every morning.
22.  He doesn't sleep at night.
23.  My friends and I meet our teacher in the mall.
24.  She always puts her handphone on the table.
25.  We sell some vegetables and some fruits in the market.
26.  I never see beautiful view in the park.
27.  My sister sends a message for her friend.
28.  Mrs. Sirren always teaches English on Saturday.
29.  She usually spells her name.
30.  My father always opens the window in the morning.
31.  He burns trash on the weekends.
32.  I usually visit my grandmother's house on Saturday.
33.  My mother and I don't buy some vegetables in the morning.
34.  The mouse digs land at night.
35.  Miss Sarah feeds her pet.
36.  When Zakiyah's birthday, I always give her a gift.
37.  I never know your telephone number.
38.  She always prays at night.
39.  My brother sometimes swims on the weekends.
40.  I often tell about my family.
41.  Several national televisions broadcast their program 24 hours a day.
42.  She comes to my birthday party.
43.  On the weekends, I often feel very happy.
44.  My flower plant grows every week.
45.  My brother always hears his favourite song at night.
46.  I usually learn Japanese language on Thursday.
47.  Sun always rises in the morning.
48.  He sometimes throws your book.
49.  My father usually works on Monday until Saturday.
50.  Cats sometimes run in the field. 

Contoh Simple Present Tense non Verbal
1.       My name is Dian Arianti
2.       I am from China
3.       My father is from California
4.       My mother is in the kitchen
5.       You are at library
6.       She is a cute girl
7.       My brothers aren’t handsome
8.       My uncle is a pilot
9.       My grandmother isn’t a florist
10.   My favorite foods are meatball and fried rice
11.   We are from Bekasi
12.   My mother is from America
13.   She is in the park
14.   I am in the bedroom
15.   My sister isn't beautiful
16.   We are happy
17.   You are a student
18.   My mother is a house wife
19.   My sign is capricorn
20.   I am 18 years old
21.   Today is Wednesday
22.   They are from East Java
23.   My father is 50 years old
24.   You are at beach
25.   She isn't at home
26.   My sisters are pretty
27.   He is a dangerous boy
28.   We are nurse
29.   They aren't police
30.   She is my teacher
31.   She is from Japan
32.   My mother and my auncle aren't from Beijing
33.   My favorite drink is orange juice
34.   I am in the library
35.   We aren't in the campus
36.   I am hungry
37.   My sister is a good girl
38.   She is a florist
39.   We aren't a singer
40.   It is a book
41.   Where is your grandmother from?
42.   My grandmother is from Central Java
43.   How old is your brother?
44.   My brother is 23 years old
45.   I am a smart and cute girl
46.   She is my friend
47.   Bunga Citra Lestari is an actress and a singer.
48.   We are accountants
49.   They are alive
50.   Your skin is black

Contoh Simple Present Continuous Tense

1.       The meeting is beginning at the moment.
2.       My mother is buying some vegetables in the market.
3.       This houses are building now.
4.       I am coming to my grandmother's house.
5.       She is cutting 5 carrots.
6.       They are doing their assignment.
7.       Your sisters are drawing animals.
8.       My father is driving a truck.
9.       I am feeling happy at the moment.
10.   We are finding a treasure.
11.   My grandfathers are drinking 3 cups of tea.
12.   I am eating some rice.
13.   The water is freezing at the moment.
14.   I am getting a silver medal.
15.   They are giving surprise for their teacher.
16.   My mother is hanging her clothes.
17.   We are learning English now.
18.   My friend and I are leaving campus
19.   Mrs. Brenda is cancelling her meeting.
20.   My mothers and my sister are making a cake.
21.   She is having brunch.
22.   My father is keeping his hand phone in the drawer.
23.   I am not reading a fiction story.
24.   Mrs. Rena is putting her clothes in the cupboard.
25.   Are they riding bicycle?
26.   Sonia is ringing a bell.
27.   My little brother isn't running in the park.
28.   My sisters are saying "i miss you" to her mother.
29.   She isn't sending a letter.
30.   Is he singing his favorite song?
31.   The students are wearing a uniform.
32.   Is she writing a message?
33.   Our teacher is teaching English lesson.
34.   He is telling me about his parents.
35.   They aren't swimming in the swimming pool.
36.   Are they sleeping?
37.   Sonia is calling her mother.
38.   My mother is frying fish.
39.   We are planning our holiday.
40.   I am playing harvest moon game.
41.   My father is working in the office.
42.   She is washing dishes.
43.   I am waiting you at campus.
44.   We aren't walking around in the beach.
45.   Is your sister turning off television?
46.   They are talking about their assignment.
47.   I am spelling my name.
48.   My brother isn't saving his document.
49.   Am I receiving your message?
50.   She is joining organization.
Contoh Simpe Past Tense Verbal

1.       Did you come to my house yesterday?
2.       She drew many animals this morning.
3.       My sister didn't do her assignment two days ago.
4.       I dreamt about someone last night.
5.       We felt very happy last year.
6.       My father gave me a present yesterday morning.
7.       Last week, he didn't make meatball.
8.       Mrs. Aiya didn't sell some vegetables last month.
9.       Did you say "I love you" for your mother yesterday?
10.   Did they send a message for someone?
11.   Sony fought with his friend last night.
12.   She didn't find my BCA card  yesterday.
13.   Did your mother get a suprise this morning?
14.   I heard your voice five minutes ago.
15.   My brother didn't run in the park.
16.   Did you swim in the swimming pool two days ago?
17.   I took a bath this morning.
18.   My family and I spent our holiday in Bali last month.
19.   Did she sleep in the classroom last week?
20.   Did your sister write a message thirty seconds ago?
21.   They burnt trash a while ago.
22.   She chose some clothes in the department store 30 minutes ago.
23.   My family didn't forget my birthday yesterday.
24.   Did she get a door prize this afternoon?
25.   My little brother hid my handphone last night.
26.   Mrs. Jeje didn't leave her house two days ago.
27.   Did you lend me a pen yesterday?
28.   He resent his message fourty senconds ago.
29.   My sister didn't sing japanese song last week.
30.   Did you sweep your house this morning?
31.   Mr. Bambang became a teacher five years ago.
32.   She didn't bring her book yesterday.
33.   Did they build mall last year?
34.   He caught my cat last night.
35.   My mother cut vegetables a while ago.
36.   The man didn't dig that grave a few weeks ago.
37.   Did you save her from drowning yesterday?
38.   I had assignment last week.
39.   My brother didn't hit my hand thirty minutes ago.
40.   Did your sister keep your money last month?
41.   You lied to me about something two days ago.
42.   I lost my job last month.
43.   She didn't seek her friend yesterday.
44.   Did the bell ring two minutes ago?
45.   Yosy's grandfather passed away five days ago.
46.    I didn't see my friend this morning.
47.   She didn't expect him to come home last night.
48.   Did he shave his moustache fifty minutes ago?
49.   They shot two animals this afternoon.
50.   My sister didn't show her talent yesterday.
Contoh Simpe Past Tense non Verbal

1.       My sister was a dentist two years ago.
2.       They weren't a detective last year.
3.       We were a designer last month.
4.       Was your uncle at nightclub last night?
5.       My little brother was at playground this morning.
6.       I wasn't at bus station this afternoon.
7.       He was hungry five minutes ago.
8.       I was thirsty a while ago.
9.       My hair was curly four years go.
10.   We were at gas station this afternoon.
11.   We were in Yogyakarta last month.
12.   He wasn't at museum three months ago.
13.   She was at my house to help me with my assignment yesterday.
14.   Were your friends at campus two days ago?
15.   I was late this morning.
16.   Was she happy last night?
17.   They weren't strong one year ago.
18.   My uncle was a carpenter last year.
19.   My friend and I weren't police four last month.
20.   Was he an employee last year?
21.   They were chef in the japanese restaurant last year.
22.   Mrs. Sissy wasn't a doctor in the Medikana's hospital 2 months ago.
23.   Was he a singer in USA five years ago?
24.   Mr. Baron was arrogant when he was in senior high school.
25.   Bisma wasn't a naughty child.
26.   Were they sleepy a few minutes ago?
27.   Your body was very slim three months ago.
28.   My father was at anchorage yesterday.
29.   I wasn't in the castle last night.
30.   Were you at sport hall five minutes ago?
31.   A glass of coffee was hot ten minutes ago.
32.   My computer wasn't broken yesterday.
33.   Was she fussy last week?
34.   She was at harbour last year.
35.   They weren't at temple last night.
36.   Was Mr. Ari at drug store this morning?
37.   Soni was an athlete two years ago.
38.   Bekti wasn't a civil servant last year.
39.   Were they farmers three months ago?
40.   My father was a fisherman four years ago.
41.   Bening was an actress last year.
42.   He wasn't a pilot five months ago.
43.   Were they architect last month?
44.   She was pretty yesterday.
45.   He wasn't attractive last night.
46.   Was she fat two years ago?
47.   They were at garden this morning.
48.   She was at mall yesterday.
49.   Were they at nightclub last night?
50.   Mr. Budi wasn't at department store two days ago.

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