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Monday, July 6, 2015

Report and Dialogue

Nih ada contoh report, siapa tau aja ada yang disuruh buat report, bisa liat ini deh buat dijadiin contoh, hehe.
Gomen, bahasa inggrisnya masih belum bener. Tapi intinya report seperti inilah^^

Mandalahayu School

            Mandalahayu is a private school, it is used for studying. Although mandalahayu is a private school, but it was not inferior to other schools, because mandalahayu school has been accredited "A", and the quality is not doubt. In addition, the mandalahayu school has a very beautiful garden, which consists of a fish pond and a wide variety of plants. This school was founded by Drs.H.E. Achmad Lajuardinour.MM.Phd alongside other relatives.
  Mandalahayu school is a place for students to learn. This school address on Margahayu jaya street number 304-312 East Bekasi 17113, telepone number is (021) 88346805. Vocational high school mandalahayu consists of various levels, ranging from Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School  and Vocational High School. It aims to accommodate more students, especially a short distance from the mandalahayu school.
            Mandalahayu schools have adequate facilities. The facilities include motorcycle parking, pavilion, laboratory, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, mosque, park, free hospot wifi, library, cafeteria, clinic (Babussalam), and the Special Employment Exchange (BKK). Although the facilities are adequate, but mandalahayu school classroom shortage. In Vocational High School Mandalahayu there are 3 majors namely, Department of Accounting, Software Engineering, and Office Administration.
            Starting from 2013, Vocational High School already started implementing Curriculum 2013. The curriculum makes students more active than the teachers, and hours of lessons become 9 hours at school. Actually to implement the curriculum 2013, the mandalahayu school no preparation, giving rise to some problems such as lack of facilities and the lack of class.

            In Vocational High School Mandalahayu there are many interesting extracurricular, like Rohis, Scout, Paskibra, Modern Dance, Theatre, football club, basketball club, volleyball club, etc. And in curriculum 2013, extracurricular scouts are required for all students. Additionally, Mandalahayu have more school buildings located Central Pengasinan streets number 99 Rawalumbu East Bekasi, which was established on May 20, 2007, which has a lot of class. The building specifically for Vocational High School. Vocational High School Mandalahayu vision is produce graduates who are productive, independent, skilled, and professional with the mastery of science and technology which is based on faith and piety. While Vocational High School Mandalahayu mission is realizing environment of religious schools, preparing graduates are faithful and devoted to God Almighty and virtuous noble character. Prepare graduates become middle-level manpower productive, independent, skilled, and professional in accordance with the needs of the business / industry world. Prepare graduates who are able to develop themselves according to the needs of the business / industry and science and technology development. Develop and improve the professionalism of educators and non-educational.

Nah dari report diatas. kita juga bisa bikin percakapannya nih.

Dialogue about Mandalahayu School.

A         : “Good afternoon.”
B          : “Good afternoon.”
A         : “Do you know mandalahayu school?”
B          : “Yes, I know. Mandalahayu school is one of the private schools.”
A         : “Do you know the mandalahayu school's founder?”
B          : “Yes, I know. He is DRS.H.E.Achmad Lajuardinour.MM.Phd.”
A         : “Where is the location of the mandalahayu school?”
B          : “Mandalahayu school is located at Margahayu Jaya streets Number.304-312, East Bekasi.”
A         : “What majors in Vocational High School Mandalahayu?”
B          : “Department of accounting, software engineering, and office administration.”
A         : “Vocational High School Mandalahayu using KTSP 2006 or curriculum 2013?”
B          : “Using Curriculum 2013.”
A         : “What are the facilities at Vocational High School Mandalahayu?”
B          : “There are a motorcycle parking, pavilion, laboratory, soccer field, basketball field, volleyball
                field, mosque, parks, free hotspot wifi, library, cafeteria, clinic (Babussalam), and the Special
                Employment Exchange (BKK).
A         : “What are the extracurriculars at Mandalahayu Vocational High School?”
B          : “There are rohis, scouts, paskibra, modern dance, theater, soccer club, basketball club,
                volleyball club, and others.”
A         : “Okay, thanks for your information.”
B          : “You are welcome.”
A         : “See you.”
B          : “See you too.”

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